Adopting an Anxious Dog: 10 Tips to Soothe an Anxious Pup
Adopting a dog with anxiety might seem daunting, and you might wonder if you can handle it. The good news is that while caring for an anxious dog may require a bit more time and effort (especially at first), these dogs can transform remarkably with the right care, blossoming into more confident companions. Let’s explore why adopting an anxious dog might be one of the most rewarding choices you’ll ever make, and how to help your Nervous Nellie feel more secure.
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How to Stop Resource Guarding in Dogs
Asserting ownership over food is the kind of thing you might see a toddler doing when you give them a packet of sweets and ask them to share. In dogs, this is called resource guarding. With kids the response is often a firm shake of the head while grabbing the prized candy tightly and digging their heels in before the whole furor descends into anger and tantrums. And not just from the toddler. It could be argued this is an animalistic, instinctive response programmed deep within every human, even if most of us have learned to temper it (although no doubt most of us will admit to getting ‘hangry’ from time to time).
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Can food help a dog's anxiety?
If you’re the parent of an anxious dog, you may have tried all kinds of behavior therapy, training, or even used a pet psychologist to help your scared and confused pup. After all, we all want to help our dogs when they’re struggling with anxiety issues, just like we’d help our friends, family, and loved ones if they were suffering from mental health issues. One thing you may not have considered, though, is how your dog’s diet affects their mood and behavior.
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Why do Dogs Beg and How do You Stop Them?
How many times have you cooked yourself a delicious dinner, only to be met with a dog’s irresistible pleading eyes staring back at you? Even the toughest among us find it challenging to resist — but we should. Indulging your dog’s begging behavior can lead to a host of issues, ranging from unwanted behaviors to serious health conditions like canine obesity. But, why do dogs beg and can you stop them begging?
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What to do if your dog swallows something toxic?
Many dogs like to eat anything and everything they find. Depending on your dog, a walk can involve constant monitoring of what’s been dropped on the sidewalk — much of which can be toxic to dogs. These hazards aren’t limited to the outdoors, though. Our homes are full of foods that can be toxic for dogs. If your dog is big enough to reach up to the kitchen counter, you’ll know the risks of turning your back for a second. Whether it’s chocolate or grapes, onions or garlic, as a caring pet parent, knowing what to do if our dog’s eaten something toxic is a big worry.
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How to Tell if Your Dog is Overweight?
While we love having things in common with our dogs, such as our fondness for cuddling or walks on the beach, it can become a problem when our health issues extend to our furry friends. This includes obesity — arguably the biggest health risk dogs. The United States struggles with a weight problem among its human population — and it’s reported that nearly 60% of dogs in the USA are also overweight or obese.
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Is fresh dog food good for puppies?
Whether you’ve just brought the little bundle of joy home or are in the planning stages, bringing a puppy into your family is an exciting and often nerve-wracking time. You want your puppy to have the happiest, longest life in their new home, and their diet plays a huge part in this.
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What is CBD for Dogs? The Ultimate Guide to Hemp and CBD Oil for Dogs.
The more research that is done on CBD and CBD oil for dogs, the more it seems capable of revolutionizing medicine as we know it. With that being said there is still plenty unknown and research is still being done all the time, So what do we know?
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The First Thing To Do When Getting a Dog From a Shelter – Learn What “Decompression” Is |
by KD Matthews | May 16, 2017 | Dog Lifestyle, Training Articles |
Whole Dog Journal's Approved Dry Dog Foods for 2019 |
We are often asked what kind of food should I feed my dog? There are many types of foods to choose from: Raw, Freeze-Dried Raw, Canned, Homemade, Dry., etc. Whole Dog Journal, a great monthly publication that does not accept advertising and publishes just well-researched unbiased advice, has extensive articles about the pros and cons of each type and recommended brands. For example, here is their list of good quality dry dog food brands.
What is CBD for Dogs?
A SitStay blog article by Grant Withers
CBD for Dogs |
Q & A with an Expert Veterinarian
My Canine Awakening: How my
Before getting a dog, I thought I had a pretty good idea about all there was to know about dog ownership. However, all of that changed when I became the owner of a reactive dog.